Rabu, 16 Maret 2011
Kill Harmonic
Started in early 1997. with many line-up changes.
KILLHARMONIC were founded and formed in Kediri Indonesia on Early 1997 by Innu as frontman/conceptor/founder. In their first
time they play death/grind, but now their musick is more brutal, more technical, heavier, more progressive, and more complex,
We got many line-up changes so far.
# 1st line-up:
Innu (guitar/voc - ex-NECROPOLIS, INNER), Sandra (drums, ex-NECROPOLIS, INNER), Yoseph (bass, ex-WASHBRAIN).
# 2nd line-up: Innu (guitar/voc), Yoseph (bass), Wahyu (drums, ex-WASHBRAIN). Sandra left the band because looking for a job
and moved to other city.
# 3rd line-up: Innu (guitar/back voc), Wahyu (drums), Wawan (voc, formerly of TENGGOROKAN). Yoseph left the band because he
married and move to other city. We decided to beeing trio. Although without bass player we are still heavy and intense as
# 4th line-up: Innu (guitar), Wawan (voc), Ongky (drums, ex-SLOWLY TERROR drummer, ex-FASTINATION guitarist), Octa (bass,
ex-SOLUTION guitarist, now in EXTREME GUTTURAL). Wahyu left the band for looking a job to other island.
# 5th line-up: Innu (guitar), Ongky (drums), Wawan (voc), Andri (bass, ex-REFUSCATION guitarist). Octa left the band for some
# 6th line-up: Innu (guitar), Ongky (drums), Wawan (voc), Alex (bass, ex-SLOWLY TERROR, FASTINATION guitarist). Andri left
the band because he wouldn't play music anymore.
# 7th line-up: Innu (guitar), Ongky (drums), Wawan (voc), Alex (bass), Romy (rythm guitar, ex-NO FRONT). Romy have joined the
band because we need a second guitarist to make our music more melodic, heavier, and harmony with may dual guitar works
# 8th line-up : Innu (guitar), B-Lee (drums), Matto (Vocals), Deni (Bass). On Human Race Disgrace album.
# 9th line-up : Innu (guitar), B-Lee (drums), Matto (Vocals), Bjan (Bass). Deni quit the band for looking a job.
# 10th line-up : Innu (guitar), B-Lee (drums), Matto (Vocals), Deni (Bass). Deni return to the camp. To replace B'jan position who died few weeks ago. Here is the actual line-up.
Killharmonic were founded and formed in Kediri Indonesia on early 1997 by Innu as frontman/conceptor. In their first time they play death/grind, but now their music is more brutal, technical and heavier. They plays more progressive and complex, and they called it as 'symphonichaos gorechestra progressive technical death metal'. In July 2000 they entered Natural Studio [Surabaya] to record their first demotape with live recording system. They signed to Die Production and the demo tittle is "Hatred Diminished In Dismembered Head" which contains 8 songs of stressing and trendcrushing brutal technical symphonichaos street gorechestral death lunatics. Now the demo were re-pressed on CD format and released by Rottrevore Records for 500 copies. In September 2002 the band entered Biru Studio [Solo] to record their 2nd album entitled "Hate That Never Set" which contains 9 tracks of symphonichaos gorechestra death metal. Six new songs that re-arranged, two songs taken from "Hatred Diminished In Dismembered Head" demo, and one crust/grind song devoted to all grind maniacs. They got signed to Metal Ground Records for this album. Musically, Killharmonic influenced by Mortal Decay, Suffocation, Monstrosity, Vile, Cynic, Cryptopsy, Martyr, Pantera, Nile, Hate Eternal, Sepultura, Gorgasm, Symphony X, Origin, Dream Theater, Cacophony, Aghora, Tony Macalpine, Yngwie Malmsteen, Marty Friedman, Planet X, Theory In Practice, Megadeth, Muse, and also blend with many classical, jazz, or progressive touchs
Releases :
- Hatred Diminished In Dismembered Head (2000) - Die Records/Re-released on 2002 by Rottrevore Records
- Hate That Never Set (2002) - Metal Ground Recs (Tape Format) / Glorious Dead Recs (CD Format)
- Supressed Denied Controlled [ep] (2009) - Reload Your Stereo (officially released as demo, but it released as EP and free downloadable through net-label)
- Human Race Disgrace (2010) - Rottrevore Records
for other website to check out :
Diposting oleh Wahyu Andhika di 02.09 0 komentar
Label: KillHarmonic Facebook
Pernicious Hate
At July 1999 there are several psycho grinder from Wijayakusuma University of Purwokerto makes a group bands "PERNICIEUS" with grindcore music.The first line up are : Theycka (Bass /Voc), Boy (Guitar), Fully (drum).Chandra (BOROX-Tangerang grindcore) join with the band as drummer at December 2000, he changed Fully's position,First Fully is a drummer than he changed as a guitarist. Pernicieus recorded 2 songs that summarized in promotape 2001 with the title TRAGICAL MOTHERLAND.
Imam join with the band as a vocalist at october 2002 and than Pernicieus changed the name of the band become PERNICIOUS HATE ( PH )
PH try to recorded "In Fear" song that we consider as a weapon and we got the good result.for sound of grindcore character that we want.But for a moment at April 2003 Fully retired from PH and join with KREMUSH ( Purwokerto old death metal).After that Fully's position changed by Iwan ( BRUTAL CREMATION-Purwokerto brutal death).Not need long time Gogick join as rythm guitarist.
Line up are: Imam (voc), Iwan (guitar), Gogick (rythm guitar),Theycka (bass), Chandra (drum)
PH recorded 11 songs at February 2004 that we summarized in CD demo 2004.July 2004 we recorded again 4 songs and was born "DISGRACE WORLD" the full first length album of PH with 15 crazy songs released by EDELWEISS RECORD.
Disgrace World album was launched at 20 November 2005 at Cundomanik Building of Purwokerto. Gogick retired from PH at February 2006 because he graduated from his study and work in Jakarta,and also Chandra at September 2008.after chandra resign PH supported by woro,eqy,AA as additional drummer
June 2009 Alung join PH as guitarist 2 and resign November 2009
Godex join PH as additional drummer at November 2009
Ifa join as additional bass at july 2010
Kemal & Anton as additional drum at september 2010
Diposting oleh Wahyu Andhika di 02.07 0 komentar
Label: Pernicious Hate facebook
Berdiri pada Tahun 1997 di Jakarta, dengan Line-Up pertama formasi awal : Yasin - Vocal, Yongki - Gitar, Ari (Last Child) - Drum, Pada era itu blm ada pemain bass permanen, sementara hanya dibantu Pigar ex Morbifik untuk manggung.Mr. Yassin (Vocal), Awal (Gitar), Yongki (Bass) dan Adi (Drum). Memulai karirnya dengan membawakan cover version dari Deicide dan Bolth Trower. Setelah berjalan 1 Tahun Yongki mengundurkan diri, dan di Tahun berikutnya Mr. Yassin mengundurkan diri. Tak lama berselang Ababil segera mendapat sosok baru, yaitu Bo’et (Vocal), Awal (Gitar), Eki (Drum) dan Yongki (Bass).
Ababil terus menjalankan programnya. Panggung demi panggung Ababil lalui dengan konsisten. Di penghujung Tahun 2000 Ababil segera meluncurkan Full Album perdananya “Eternal Hate” yang berisi 10 lagu bernuansa death/grind dan dirilis oleh salah satu Record Label besar Jakarta, yaitu Edelweiss Production.
Tidak hanya itu, Ababil pun gencar mempublikasikan karyanya lewat album kompilasi local dan asia seperti halnya “Metalik Klinik” dan “Metalik Klinik Asia” yang di Produseri oleh Rotor Corp (Musica Studio). Pada pertengahan Tahun 2004 Awal (Gitar) dan Wisnu (Drum) mengundurkan diri dari posisinya, tetapi Ababil tidak patah semangat dan tetap mempertahankan nama baiknya. Hal ini dibuktikan dengan segera direkrutnya 2 personil anyar, yaitu Yusuf (Drum) serta Chimenz ‘ex-Burial Corpse’ (Gitar).
Di Tahun 2005 Ababil kembali mendapatkan seorang personil yang mampu mengusir kehampaan yang ada, yaitu Abii Praza (Bass). Kokohnya pondasi baru ini dan banyaknya event-event yang sudah Ababil singgahi ternyata tidak banyak membuat band menyatu, karena tak beberapa lama Yusuf (Drum) hengkang dari tubuh Ababil. Hingga pada 26 September 2006 Ababil kembali merekrut personil tetap ‘ex-Funeral Inception/Killing Field’ yaitu Jaxx Martha (Drum).
Walau baru berjalan setapak demi setapak Ababil yakin bahwa suasana segar yang ada saat ini bukanlah ilusi sekejap, nampaknya pondasi yang dibentuk saat ini terasa solid dan sulit untuk di remukkan. Hal ini dibuktikan dengan beberapa lagu baru yang sedang digarap Ababil demi tercapainya target untuk merilis 1 Full Album dan 1 Mini Album di Akhir Tahun 2006 ini.
Saat ini Ababil sudah siap untuk kembali berkiprah di dalam event-event metal Indonesia maupun mancanegara. Kedewasaan bermusik mulai terbentuk dan pola fikir tiap personil mulai mempunyai misi dan visi yang searah. Sehingga Line-Up yang ada sekarang yaitu Bo’et (Vocal), Chimenz (Gitar), Abii Praza (Bass) dan Jaxx Martha (Drum) sudah menciptakan Ababil yang lebih matang dan lebih segar tentunya.
Kini di akhir tahun 2010 Ababil kembali mengguncang dunia musik Metal dengan personil - personil lama yaitu; Boet - Growl, Awal - Gitar, Eki - Drum, dan Yoyo - Bass dengan mencoba menyuguhkan konsep musik tidak jauh berbeda pada saat Ababil berdiri, hanya saja lebih mengendepankan kualitas dan kuantitas. Meski masing-masing pesonil terinspirasi pada band metal mancanegara seperti Beheaded, Deicide, Suffocation, Trauma, Misery Index, Vital Remains, Eternal Suffering, Hate Eternal, Pantera, Sepultura dan Slipknot.
Ababil eksis dengan konsepnya sendiri yaitu musik Brutal Death Metal, dan diharapkan dengan bangkitnya Ababil saat ini dapat memeriahkan kancah belantika musik underground di Tanah Air.
Satu kata dari Ababil… “Metal Sampai Mampusss !!!”
Diposting oleh Wahyu Andhika di 02.03 0 komentar
Label: Ababil Facebook
Apocalypse Grind
Genre | Brutal Death Metal |
Members | Rendhy Farizi Firdaus - Vocal Ardian Pratama - Guitar Rizky Rera Guna Alam - Bass Galuh Prasetiyo - Drum |
Hometown | Bandung, Indonesia |
Record Label | Brutal Die Inc |
Indonesian Crushing Brutal Deathmetal |
Scene of Death Metal music in Indonesia is growing rapidly. Starting from the first underground era in Bandung in Indonesia precisely around the 1990s, bands such as Funeral, Necromancy, Morbus Corpse, Voila, Jasad etc. show their existence in Death Metal music until now 20 years from the first era of Indonesian underground.. in the year 2009 we were young kids who just graduated from high school try to continue our seniors existence to maintain the culture of Death Metal in Indonesia. Starting from Rizky and Ardian who invites Galuh and Rendhy to join the band together. We present something fresh with killertunes that will make everyone headbanging and slamming and we will try to keep this era of Death Metal until whenever.. HELL YEAH!! |
Diposting oleh Wahyu Andhika di 01.57 0 komentar
Label: Apocalypse Grind Facebook
Atheist is a technical death metal band from Florida, founded in 1984, whose music combines metal riffs with subtle latin music arrangements and jazz fusion.
The band was founded in 1984 in Florida, USA, firstly under the name Oblivion and later R.A.V.A.G.E. (which stands for Raging Atheists Vowing A Gory End). They recorded their debut album, Piece of Time, in 1988, which was released in Europe in 1989, but not in the United States until 1990. In 1991, bassist Roger Patterson died in a car accident and Atheist recruited Tony Choy to record their second album, the now classic Unquestionable Presence. Atheist disbanded for the first time in 1992, reuniting in 1993 and recording their third album Elements, fulfilling their contractual requirements, before disbanding for the second time.Seven years after their second break up, Kelly Shaefer decided to re-release and remaster their three albums with different bonus tracks.
Shaefer played with Neurotica until 2002, whereas Tony Choy played in a number of other bands, including Area 305, Pestilence and Cynic. In 2001, Kelly Shaefer tried to regroup the band with all the original members with the addition of the acclaimed Kyle Sokol from the Tampa Bay area on bass guitar, replacing Tony Choy due to Choy's other band commitments according to a metal magazine interview. The band reunion at this time never came to fruition due to Neurotica going on OzzFest.
Relapse Records re-issued the band's three albums in late 2005, as well as a vinyl box set containing the three albums plus the R.A.V.A.G.E. demo On They Slay. Former drummer Steve Flynn has recently re-emerged in a new band called Gnostic.
In January, 2006, Atheist announced they were regrouping to perform live during the summer and autumn of that year. The line-up was Shaefer, Burkey, Choy and Flynn. Shaefer only provided vocals due to long battles with tendinitis and carpal tunnel syndrome. Gnostic guitarist Sonny Carson handled all of Shaefer's guitar parts. Recently Chris Baker of Gnostic has been replacing Burkey because of legal troubles.
On July 12, 2008, Shaefer issued the following update: "[I'm] heading to Atlanta next Friday to jam with ATHEIST drummer and my best friend Mr. Steve Flynn, this will mark the first time we have written together since 1991's 'Unquestionable Presence'. So I am curious how it will sound. I know it will be sick, there is a formula that me and Flynn have that automatically sounds like ATHEIST...so it will be fun to hear what it will sound like. And who knows? If it it goes well...?? We will see what happens."
On July 26, 2008, Kelly Shaefer announced through the Atheist myspace page the recording of a new studio album, which will be their first in 17 years. They also will go on a tour in Europe and the USA in 2009 to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the release of their album Piece of Time. A live DVD will also be released from the tour.
On July 11, 2010, the band revealed the upcoming album's name as Jupiter and announced that it is set for a November release. The reformed Atheist have inked a deal with Season of Mist .
On August 3, 2010, Kelly Shaefer and Steve Flynn announced on behalf of the band that Tony Choy would not be appearing on Jupiter but is still likely to appear in live performances with the band due to his own musical aspirations.
On November 8, 2010, Atheist released Jupiter.
Band members
Current members
- Kelly Shaefer – vocals, guitar (1984–1994, 2006–present)
- Chris Baker – guitar (2006–present)
- Jonathan Thompson - guitar (2009–present)
- Travis Morgan – bass (2011–present)
- Steve Flynn – drums (1984–1991, 2006–present)
Former members
- Rand Burkey - guitar (1988–1992, 1993–1994)
- Roger Patterson – bass (1985–1991)
- Mike Callahan - guitar (2010)
- Frank Emmi – guitar (1993)
- Sonny Carson – guitar (2006-200?)
- Mickey Hayes – drums (1993)
- Josh Greenbaum – drums (1993)
- Kyle Sokol – bass (2001)
- Tony Choy – bass (1991, 1993–1994, 2006–2010)
Diposting oleh Wahyu Andhika di 01.49 0 komentar
Label: Wikipedia
Spawn Of Possession
Spawn of Possession is a death metal band from Kalmar, Sweden, founded in 1997.
Spawn of Possession formed in February 1997, consisting of Jonas Bryssling (guitar), Jonas Karlsson (guitar), and Dennis Röndum (drums).After three years the band recorded their first demo, The Forbidden, and right after found bass guitar player Nick Dewerud to fill the empty bass spot. A year later the band went to the studio to record their second demo, Church of Deviance, and in December 2001 Spawn of Possession signed a deal with Unique Leader Records.
The band worked on new material for the next six months and in June 2002 began recording their debut album, Cabinet. The band ended up in the Pama Studios together with the highly acclaimed producer and engineer Magnus Sedenberg with whom they had worked on previous recordings, and released Cabinet.To promote the album, they first toured Europe for four weeks, together with Disavowed, Vile, Inhume, and Mangled. Shortly after followed a six-week North American tour together with Unique Leader label mates Severed Savior, Pyaemia, and Gorgasm. Travelling coast to coast including a five gigs ride to Canada, they played no less than 27 shows on this tour.After coming back from the US came another European tour, as part of the annual No Mercy package, with bands such as Cannibal Corpse, Hypocrisy, Kataklysm, Exhumed, Vomitory, and Carpathian Forest. After this spring-tour summerfestival the band perform at eight festivals, including Fuck the Commerce (Germany), Stonehenge (Netherlands), Grind You Mother (Italy), and Mountains of Death (Switzerland).
During this period and the beginning of fall 2004, Spawn of Possession also started to work on new material. In mid-September the band joined Cannibal Corpse as direct support on a 24 show tour throughout Scandinavia and the Baltic/Eastern European states. The successor to the debut album is titled Noctambulant and was released in July 2006 by Neurotic Records.
On May 11 '09, the band posted a small preproduction teaser from their as yet untitled new album, commenting that they wanted "to finally break the silence". There are five finished songs and seven others still in the works. The band also explained that "additional lineup changes will be announced soon".
On June 24 '09, Jonas Bryssling confirmed on Spawn of Possession's message board that Matthew Chalk (ex-Psycroptic, Mephistopheles) and Christian Muenzner (Obscura, ex-Necrophagist) have joined the band. Bryssling states "Two very talented and competent musicians has recently joined Spawn of Possession. Matthew Chalk (Ex-Psycroptic) is going to handle the vocal and lyric writing. Christian Muenzner (Obscura, ex-Necrophagist) is going to do the Lead Guitar part and unleash his madness into the multicoloured and distorted universe of Spawn of Possession. The Line-up is now complete."
However in September 2010, Dennis Rondum joined back and will handle the vocals instead of Chalky who just joined for a brief period. In December 2010, Richard Shill have been released drumming duties. Reason being is that Richard depends very much on actual band practice and with SoP members being scattered all over Sweden, Norway and Germany band practice becomes an impossibility. Henrik Schönström announced as new drummer.
Spawn of Possession have been influenced by many different artists from various subgenres, mainly from death metal and classical music. They have been influenced by artists such as Death, Gorguts, Morbid Angel, Nocturnus, Atheist, Possessed, Dismember, Suffocation, Cannibal Corpse, and Carcass as well as art music composers such as Johann Sebastian Bach, Sylvius Leopold Weiss and Dmitri Shostakovich.Members
Current members
- Jonas Bryssling - Rhythm Guitar
- Erlend Caspersen – Bass Guitar
- Henrik Schönström - Drums
- Dennis Röndum - Vocals
- Christian Muenzner - Lead Guitar
Former members
- Jonas Karlsson - Lead guitar
- Niklas Dewerud – Bass
- Matthew Chalk - Vocals
- Jonas Renvaktar - Vocals
- Mikael Petersson - Session vocals
- Ben Lawless - Guitar
- Richard Schill - Drums
Diposting oleh Wahyu Andhika di 01.47 0 komentar
Label: Wikipedia
Prosatanica terbentuk di Jakarta ,pada 8 Januari 1994, dengan mengusung konsep death metal. Sekilas nama band ini memberikan
kesan Seram, Anti Tuhan atau yang berkaitan dengan Satanis. namun, itu hanyalah sebuah nama, tak ada hubungannya sama sekali dengan gaya hidup para personil.
Members | Bento-Edos-Sigit-Mono |
Hometown | Jakarta |
Record Label | TBA for next album |
About | Prosatanica Members URL BENTO (Vocal) : www.facebook.com/bentomullen EDOS (Guitar) : www.facebook.com/dery.anjaya SIGIT (Bass) : www.facebook.com/sigit.th MONO (Drum): www.facebook.com/mono.andy |
Diposting oleh Wahyu Andhika di 01.42 0 komentar
Label: Prosatanica Facebook
New Day Is Over
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
NEW DAY IS OVER or NDIO formed in November 2006, after running a few years had changed vocalis, bassist and drummer. NEW DAY IS OVER also replaced the music flow into METALCORE in their music.
NDIO also additioning keyboard on their music.But now their back into their original formation without
keyboard addition
Genre | Metalcore |
Members | Sarah (Vocal/Scream) http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000362455478 Riduan (6 Strings) http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000399835517 Zia (6 Strings) http://www.facebook.com/pelacur.mahal Lutfi (4 Strings) http://www.facebook.com/luthsuck |
Diposting oleh Wahyu Andhika di 01.39 0 komentar
Label: New Day Is Over Facebook
Children Of Bodom
Children of Bodom adalah kelompok musik metal dari Espoo, Finlandia. Didirikan oleh guitarist Alexi "Wildchild" Laiho dan drummer Jaska Raatikainen pada 1993 dengan nama IneartheD.
- Alexi Laiho - Vokal, gitar utama dan ritme
- Roope Latvala - Gitar utama dan ritme
- Janne Warman - Kibor
- Henkka Seppälä - Bass
- Jaska Raatikainen - Drum
- Alexander Kuoppala - Gitar ritme (1993-2003)
- Jani Pirisjoki - Kibor (1995-1997)
- Samuli Miettinen - Bass (1993-1995)
- Po Kuopiris - Kibor (Unholy Alliance tour 2006)
- Cameron Scott - Gitar ritme (1995-1996)
- Erna Siikavirta - Kibor (1998 European Tour)
- Sami Tenetz - Vokal (1996-1998)
Diposting oleh Wahyu Andhika di 01.35 0 komentar
Label: Wikipedia
God Forbid
God Forbid is an American metalcore band formed in 1996 in East Brunswick, New Jersey.
Building up a following in the late 1990s by touring with bands such as GWAR, Nile, Cradle of Filth and Candiria, their first full album Reject the Sickness was released by 9 Volt Records in 1999. This album received heavy rotation from WSOU-FM in the New York City area and the band was subsequently signed to Century Media Records, releasing the album Determination in 2001. They played on the MTV2 Headbanger's Ball tour with Shadows Fall and Lamb of God. In 2004, they released Gone Forever, which increased their profile considerably and earned them a spot on Ozzfest. The next year, they released IV: Constitution of Treason, a concept album about the end of the world. It was their first album to enter the Billboard 200, debuting at #118. In 2005 - 2006, they supported Trivium on their UK tour along with Mendeed & Bloodsimple. In late 2006 and early 2007 they headlined the Chains of Humanity tour featuring Goatwhore, Mnemic, The Human Abstract, Byzantine, and Arsis. In 2006, God Forbid's "To the Fallen Hero," won the Independent Music Award for Best Hard Rock/Heavy Metal Song.They released a DVD on June 10, 2008, and their fifth studio album, Earthsblood, was released on February 24, 2009, and landed at #110 on the Billboard 200. God Forbid toured across the United States and Canada in the No Fear Energy Music Tour featuring Lamb of God, Children of Bodom, As I Lay Dying and Municipal Waste in April. In March 2009, Dallas Coyle announced that he would not be joining the band on their US tour, leading to unconfirmed rumours that he was planning to leave the band. On March 31, these rumours were confirmed by Dallas's brother and bandmate Doc Coyle. Due to the timing of the announcement, many God Forbid fans believed the announcement to be a prank. His replacement for the upcoming tour was named as former Darkest Hour guitarist Kris Norris. He was later replaced by Matt Wicklund. In July 2009, God Forbid participated in the Rockstar Mayhem Festival along with Trivium, Bullet For My Valentine, Cannibal Corpse, All That Remains, Slayer, Marilyn Manson and many others. In April 2010 the band issued an update that they have started work on a new, currently untitled album.
Current line up
- Byron Davis — lead vocals (1997—present)
- Matt Wicklund — rhythm guitar (ex-Himsa) (2009—present)
- Doc Coyle — lead guitar, clean vocals (1996—present)
- John "Beeker" Outcalt — bass (1997—present)
Former members
- Dallas Coyle — rhythm guitar, clean vocals (1996—2009)
- Kris Norris — rhythm guitar (touring replacement for Dallas Coyle) (2009)
Diposting oleh Wahyu Andhika di 01.32 0 komentar
Label: Wikipedia
A Deceiver Existence
A Deceiver Existence Terbentuk Pada Pertengahan Bulan Oktober 2010 Di Priok Jakarta Utara
Awalnya Kami Memikirkan Bagaimana Menemukan Genre Yang Fresh tetapi tidak mengurangi unsur metal death di dalamnya , akhirnya kami memilih genre Melodic Detah Metal .
seperti halnya band band yang lain kami pun memliliki misi dan visi untuk menjadi yang terbaik di industri musik indonesia .
Walaupun kami sadar itu sulit kami raih tetapi kami terus berjuang dan siap merobohkan tembok besi di depan sana..
Keep Metal Alive \m/
Genre | Melodic Death Metal |
Members | Cenga - Growled Ocha - Guitar Ucok - Bass Indra - Drum |
Hometown | Jakarta |
Diposting oleh Wahyu Andhika di 01.26 0 komentar
Selasa, 15 Maret 2011
Judas Priest
Judas Priest adalah salah satu kelompok musik heavy metal paling berpengaruh. Band ini didirikan pada 1969 di Birmingham, Inggris oleh K.K. Downing dan Ian Hill. Formasi klasik mereka termasuk vokalis Rob Halford, gitaris K.K. Downing dan Glenn Tipton, dan bassist Ian Hill.
Anggota sekarang
- Rob Halford - vocals, 1973-1992, 2003-present
- K.K. Downing - guitar, 1970-present
- Glenn Tipton - guitar, 1974-present
- Ian Hill - bass guitar, 1970-present
- Scott Travis - drums, 1989-present
Mantan anggota
- Al Atkins - vocals, 1970-1973
- Tim 'Ripper' Owens - vocals, 1996-2003
- John Partridge - drums, 1970
- John Ellis - drums, 1970
- Alan Moore - drums, 1971
- Chris Campbell - drums, 1971-1973
- John Hinch - drums, 1973-1974
- Alan Moore - drums, 1975-1976
- Les Binks - drums, 1977-1979
- Dave Holland - drums, 1979-1989
Daftar album
Sampul | Tahun | Judul | Label | Peringkat | Penghargaan | Penjualan |
1974 | Rocka Rolla | Gull | 20.000 | |||
1976 | Sad Wings of Destiny | Gull | 83.000 | |||
1977 | Sin After Sin | CBS | #33 (UK) | Gold US | 78.000 | |
1978 | Stained Class | CBS | #27 (UK), #173 (US) | Gold US | 90.000 | |
1979 | Hell Bent for Leather / Killing Machine | CBS | #32 (UK), #128 (US) | Gold US | 132.000 | |
April 14, 1980 | British Steel | CBS | #3 (UK), #34 (US) | Platinum US, Silver UK | 256.000 | |
February 26, 1981 | Point of Entry | CBS | #14 (UK), #39 (US) | Gold US, Silver UK | 101.000 | |
July 17, 1982 | Screaming for Vengeance | CBS | #11 (UK), #17 (US) | 2xPlatinum US | 310.000 | |
January 4, 1984 | Defenders of the Faith | CBS | #19 (UK), #18 (US) | Platinum US | 164.000 | |
April 15, 1986 | Turbo | CBS | #33 (UK), #17 (US) | Platinum US | 192.000 | |
1988 | Ram It Down | CBS | #24 (UK), #31 (US) | Gold US | 69.000 | |
1990 | Painkiller | CBS | #24 (UK), #26 (US) | Gold US | 269.000 | |
1997 | Jugulator | CMC | #47 (UK), #82 (US) | 111.000 | ||
2001 | Demolition | Atlantic | #165 US | 52.000 | ||
2005 | Angel of Retribution | Sony | #39 UK, #13 US | 174.000 | ||
2008~ | Nostradamus | Sony | #30 UK, #11 US |
Diposting oleh Wahyu Andhika di 02.07 0 komentar
Label: Wikipedia
Koil adalah band beraliran rock yang berasal dari Bandung, berdiri pada tahun 1993, dengan formasi Otong (vokal), Doni (gitar), Imo (Bass), Leon (Drum). Sejak awal berdiri Koil memutuskan untuk membuat dan memainkan lagu-lagu ciptaan sendiri. Keputusan ini merupakan hal yang kurang lazim saat itu , karena kebanyakan band saat itu lebih sering membawakan lagu orang lain.
Sejarah dan perjalanan band
Dengan usaha keras akhirnya Koil berhasil menciptakan beberapa buah lagu dan pada tahun 1994 dengan dana yang minim Koil bisa masuk studio rekaman dan merekam sekitar 8 buah lagu. Kemudian lagu-lagu itu dirilis dalam single yang berjudul "Demo From Nowhere". Kaset ini hanya diedarkan terbatas, selain karena keterbatasan dana juga karena saat itu Koil kesulitan untuk mendapatkan tempat untuk menjual kaset tersebut. Satu-satunya tempat yang mau memasarkannya adalah Reverse Outfits, sebuah toko kepunyaan Richard Mutter (ex drummer Pas band)Project Q
Pada tahun 1996, seorang produser bernama Budi Soesatio dari label Project Q (label yang mengeluarkan album Slank 1-3) tertarik untuk merilis album Koil dan mengkontrak Koil sebanyak 2 album. Maka pada bulan September 1996 Koil merilis full albumnya yang pertama yang berjudul “KOIL”, lagu-lagu di album ini sebagian diambil dari single Demo From Nowhere.Album ini mendapat tanggapan positif dari khalayak musik Indonesia terutama pencinta musik rock, karena musik dan lirik nya dianggap tonggak baru dalam kancah musik rock Indonesia. Musik yang diusung Koil adalah musik rock yang dipenuhi dengan sampling sampling suara. Sampling itu tidak hanya berasal dari instrumen musik tapi juga dari suara-suara yang ada disekitar kita seperti suara air, suara besi dipukul, suara panci dipukul suara-suara binatang, suara orang pidato, dll, yang digarap dengan penggunaan teknik sampling yang apik . Dari segi lirik, penulisan lirik-lirik yang mengekspresian kekosongan hati, kegelapan dan kehampaan cinta yang dituangkan dalam bait-bait lirik berbahasa Indonesia, menjadi suatu nilai plus bagi koil karena lirik bahasa Indonesia masih jarang dipakai untuk jenis musik rock seperti Koil.
Kerjasama Project Q dan Koil sebenarnya masih menyisakan 1 buah album lagi tapi karena dihadang krisis moneter menyebabkan Project Q tidak dapat memproduksi album ke-2 Koil. Akhirnya pada tahun 1998 Koil memutuskan untuk keluar dari Project Q.
Apocalypse Record
Setelah keluar dari Project Q, Koil merilis single Kesepian ini Abadi di bawah label Apocalypse Record. Sebuah label yang dibuat oleh Otong (Koil) dan Adam (Kubik). Kaset single ini pun diedarkan secara indie melalui jaringan distro-distro underground yang saat itu sudah mulai banyak bermunculan di kota-kota besar,Dirilisnya album ini membuat nama Koil kembali naik ke permukaan ditandai dengan banyaknya tawaran manggung yang datang. Seiring dengan itu, Koil mencoba konsep baru dalam pertunjukannya yaitu dengan memasukan unsur-unsur lain dalam pertunjukannya yaitu fashion dan tarian . Unsur fashion yang mendapat perhatian besar dari Koil adalah penggunaan kostum khusus dalam setiap penampilannya. Kostum dari kulit, berwarna hitam , penuh asesoris logam , sepatu boots tinggi , membuat penampilan Koil berbeda dengan band-band lainnya. Ditambah lagi dengan aksi para penari wanita yang berpakaian seksi membuat pertunjukan semakin menarik. hal ini akhirnya menjadi trademark bagi Koil, sebagai band rock pertama di Indonesia yang memadukan fashion, tari dan musik pada saat manggung.
Setelah merilis single ini, Koil kembali masuk studio rekaman untuk menyelesaikan materi lagu untuk album berikutnya, diselingi juga dengan membantu para musisi lain diantaranya meremix lagu dari Puppen, Burger Kill, Jasad. Lagu-lagu Koil juga masuk di beberapa kompilasi seperti: Best Alternative Indonesia (Aquarius Musikindo), Ticket To Ride (Spills Record), Kompilasi Viking-Persib.
Pada bulan Februari 2001, setelah melewati perjuangan keras yang penuh tantangan seperti kesulitan dana rekaman, minimnya peralatan musik, teknologi rekaman yang baru , dalam pembuatan album akhirnya Koil merilis full albumnya yang ke-2 yang berjudul Megaloblast dibawah label Apocalypse Record. Album ini berisikan 10 buah lagu dan berbungkus artwork kover yang sangat apik, berwarna dominan putih bergambar muka seorang wanita.
Pada saat pertama dirilis pendistribusian kaset ini dilakukan hanya lewat jaringan distro-distro underground di Jakarta dan Bandung ,pemesanan melalui pos, dan beberapa toko kaset . Cara ini terpaksa ditempuh oleh Koil yaitu untuk menekan biaya pendistribusian Tapi walaupun dengan cara seperti ini album Megalobalst dapat terjual sekitar 15 ribu kopi (sebuah angka yang cukup besar untuk ukuran indie label dan cara pendistribusian seperti ini).
Angka penjualan ini didukung oleh promo yang gencar yaitu dengan membuat ribuan poster dan baligo yang di pasang di jalan-jalan utama, untuk melakukan promosi seperti ini Koil dibantu banyak pihak seperti distro-distro, radio, majalah, dan yang mengundang kontroversi adalah bantuan dari Restoran McDonalds Cihampelas Bandung (restoran McDonalds dimusuhi komunitas underground di bandung saat itu). Store Manager restoran McDonalds saat itu adalah Wisnu Aji Nugroho aka Wayank (pendiri band/clothing citysounds) kabarnya adalah sahabat Koil
Setelah itu untuk menambah tingkat penjualannya, Koil membuat video klip untuk lagu Mendekati Surga dan klip itu dikirim ke MTV, tidak disangka-sangka ternyata klip itu mendapat tanggapan positif dari pihak MTV (saat itu MTV belum menayangkan klip-klip band indie). Setelah beberapa kali ditayangkangkan, klip ini mendapat respon yang sangat tinggi di MTV, (bahkan menurut pihak MTV melebihi request terhadap lagu Linkin Park), Hal itu membuat pihak MTV mengundang Koil untuk tampil dalam acara MTV Musik Award 2003.
Alfa Record
Melihat potensi ini, pada bulan Oktober 2003 sebuah label yaitu Alfa Record menawarkan kerjasama untuk merilis kembali album Megaloblast dengan pendistribusian yang lebih luas yaitu seluruh Indonesia. Akhirnya pada bulan Desember 2003 album Megaloblast dirilis kembali dengan penambahan 2 buah lagu remix dan perubahan artwork kover album, menjadi berwarna hitam, oleh karena itu album ini sering disebut MEGALOBLACK. Untuk menambah tingkat penjualan, Koil membuat 2 buah video klip lagi yaitu untuk lagu Kita Dapat Diselamatkan dan lagu Dosa Ini Tak Akan Berhenti. Kedua video klip ini di buat oleh rumah produksi “Cerah Hati”.Peredaran kaset Koil secara nasional membuat orang makin mudah mendapatkan kaset Koil maka dengan sendirinya penjualan kaset Koil terus meningkat. Keadaan ini membuat Koil semakin dikenal di dunia musik Indonesia, sebagai salah satu band indie yang dapat disejajarkan dengan band-band major label. Prestasi Koil ini mendapat perhatian dari majalah Times Asia, sehingga dalam salah satu tulisannya menyebut Koil sebagai salah satu band rock masa depan Indonesia,
Pada tahun 2003-2004 Koil banyak diundang untuk tampil di acara-acara seperti Nescafe Musik Asik, Ulang tahun ke -20 tahun Slank di Stadion Lebak Bulus, Pekan Raya Jakarta dan Pensi-Pensi SMU di Jakarta dan Bandung.
Di pertengahan tahun 2005 sekitar bulan Juni, Koil merilis 2 buah single terbarunya yang berjudul Hiburan Ringan Part 1 dan Hiburan Ringan Part II. Single ini masuk dalam soundtrack film horror berjudul ’12:00 AM’. Masih di bulan yang sama , Koil membuat klip dari lagu Hiburan Ringan Part II. Untuk mempromosikan single terbaru ini Koil tampil di acara PESTA INDOSIAR, Kuta Karnival (Bali) untuk acara Oakley dan The Beat Rock Fest. Kemudian di Jogja pada acara Star On Campus.
Saat ini Koil baru saja menyelesaikan album terakhirnya dan sedang melakukan "KOIL BLACKLIGHTSHINESON TOUR 2008"2008.
- J.A. Verdijantoro (Otong) - vokal utama (1993-sekarang)
- Donnijantoro - gitar, vokal latar (1993-sekarang)
- Ibrahim Nasution (Imo) - gitar, vokal latar (1993-2010)
- Leon Ray Legoh - drum (1993-sekarang)
- Adam Joswara - gitar bas, vokal latar (2007-sekarang)
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Label: Wikipedia
Bleeding Corpse
Bleeding Corpse terbentuk pada akhir tahun 2005, dimotori oleh Uus Death [eks Balance of Terror] pada gitar, Adrian pada bass, Boby [eks Dishonest] pada vokal, serta drummer Ari [eks Injected Sufferage / Lumpur]. Pada bulan November 2006, mereka sempat membuat promo CD yang berisi tiga buah lagu ; Bangkai Para Pendosa, Simpuh Tubuh Terbunuh, dan Nista Maja Utama. Mereka sempat menambah satu gitaris lagi yaitu Lukman [eks Filgrim] di pertengahan tahun 2007. Namun itu tidak lama, setelah manggung di acara Bandung Death Fest #2 Lukman terpaksa mengundurkan diri dan band ini tetap bertahan dalam formasi kuartet. Bleeding Corpse mengaku ter-influence oleh band-band brutal death metal seperti Suffocation, Disavowed, Devourment, dan Disgorge. Sambil menjalani berbagai aksi panggung lokal, mereka masuk studio untuk merekam lagu-lagunya. Akhirnya di tahun 2008 Bleeding Corpse berhasil merilis album debut album bertitel Resurection of Murder yang diproduksi Pieces Records, sebuah label independen yang juga dikelola oleh Dani [drummer Jasad]
Diposting oleh Wahyu Andhika di 01.49 0 komentar
Final Attack
This monster called Final Attack formed in mid 2004 by Widi, Indra"Chino", Joneh. It wasnt till later on Andri and our original drummer Bagoes joined the band. In a time where every hardcore band in Indonesia try to play as melodic as they can, Final Attack dare to play straight up pissed off, fast and heavy hardcore influenced by bands like Cro Mags, Leeway, Madball, Negative Approach, Minor threat. We had a few drummer changes and now Ikhsan is standing strong on the drummer position. This aint no popularity contest, this aint no fashion show. Just straight up pissed off hardcore the way we want it to be.
Hometown | JAKARTA is where its at |
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Cradle Of Filth
Cradle of Filth are an English extreme metal band, formed in Suffolk in 1991. The band's musical style evolved from black metal to a cleaner and more "produced" amalgam of gothic metal, symphonic black metal and other extreme metal styles, while their lyrical themes and imagery are heavily influenced by gothic literature, poetry, mythology and horror films.
The band has broken free from its original niche by courting mainstream publicity (often to the chagrin of its early fanbase), and this increased accessibility has brought coverage by the likes of Kerrang! and MTV, frequent main stage appearances at major festivals such as Ozzfest, Download and even the mainstream Sziget Festival, and in turn a more "commercial" image. They have sometimes been perceived as Satanic by casual observers, although their outright lyrical references to Satanism are few and far between, and use of Satanic imagery has arguably always had more to do with the shock value and mythological usage than any seriously-held beliefs. According to a 2006 issue of Metal Hammer magazine, they are the most successful British heavy metal band since Iron Maiden.In January 2011 they topped an online poll to find Suffolk's most iconic image. However they were not among the 20 finalists put forward by the competition's judges.
Early years (1991-1996)
Cradle's relationship with Cacophonous soon soured; the band accusing the label of contractual and financial mismanagement. Acrimonious legal proceedings took up most of 1995, and the band finally signed to Music for Nations in 1996 after only one more contractually obligated Cacophonous recording: the EP V Empire (Or Dark Faerytales in Phallustein) which, it has since been conceded, was hastily written as a Cacophonous escape-plan. Despite the circumstances of its release however, its handful of tracks are staples of the band's live sets to this day, and "Queen of Winter, Throned" was listed among twenty-five "essential extreme metal anthems" in a 2006 issue of Kerrang! magazine. The EP also marked Sarah Jezebel Deva's debut with the band, replacing Andrea Meyer, Cradle's first female vocalist and self-styled "satanic advisor" Deva appeared on every subsequent Cradle release and tour until Darkly, Darkly, Venus Aversa, but was never considered a full band member, since she also performed with The Kovenant, Therion and Mortiis, and fronted her own Angtoria project along with Cradle's current bass player, Dave Pybus.
Music for Nations era (1996-2001)
Dusk... and Her Embrace followed the same year: a critically acclaimed breakthrough album that greatly expanded the band's fan-base throughout Europe and the rest of the world. A concept album of sorts based generally on vampirism and specifically (though loosely) on the writing of Sheridan Le Fanu, Cradle's inaugural album for Music for Nations set the tone for what was to follow. The album's production values matched the band's ambition for the first time, whilst Dani's vocal gymnastics were at their most extreme.The increasingly theatrical stage shows of the 1997 European tour helped keep Cradle in the public eye, as did a burgeoning line of controversial merchandise; not least the notorious t-shirt depicting a masturbating nun on the front and the slogan "Jesus is a cunt" in large letters on the back. The t-shirt is banned in New Zealand, a handful of fans have faced court appearances and fines for wearing the shirt in public, and some band members themselves attracted a certain amount of hostile attention when they wore similar "I Love Satan" shirts to the Vatican. Alex Mosson, the Lord Provost of Glasgow from 1999–2003, called the shirts (and by implication the band) "sick and offensive". The band obviously approved, using the quote on the back cover of the 2005 DVD Peace Through Superior Firepower.
In 1998, Dani began his long-running "Dani's Inferno" column for Metal Hammer, and the band appeared in the BBC documentary series Living With the Enemy (on tour with a fan and his disapproving mother and sister) and released its third full-length album Cruelty and the Beast. A fully-realised concept album based on the legend of the "Blood Countess" Elizabeth Bathory, the album boasted the casting coup of Ingrid Pitt providing guest narration as the Countess: a role she first played in Hammer's 1971 film Countess Dracula. The album led to Cradle's U.S debut, and Dani claimed it in 2003 as the Cradle album of which he was most proud, although he conceded dissatisfaction with its sound quality.
2001 Hiatus
From February 8, 2001 to February 29, 2001 the band went on a temporary hiatus due to unrest amongst the band members due to Dani Filth's insistence for the band to remain sober on their 2001 European tour.Sony interlude (2001-2004)
The longest-ever interim period between full-length Cradle albums was nevertheless a busy time for the band. Bitter Suites to Succubi was released on the band’s own "Abracadaver" label, and was a mixture of four new songs, re-recordings of three songs from The Principle of Evil Made Flesh, two instrumental tracks, and a cover of The Sisters of Mercy's "No Time To Cry." Stylistically similar to Midian, the album is unique among Cradle albums in featuring exactly the same band members as its predecessor, but is generally regarded as an EP and often overlooked in the band's canon. Further stop-gap releases followed in the form of the "best of" package Lovecraft and Witch Hearts and a live album, Live Bait for the Dead. Finally, the band (principally Dani) also found time to appear in Cradle of Fear while they negotiated their first major-label signing with Sony Music. Damnation and a Day arrived in 2003; Sony's heavyweight funding underwriting Cradle's undiminished ambition by finally bringing a real orchestra into the studio (the 80-strong Budapest Film Orchestra and Choir replacing the increasingly sophisticated synthesizers of previous albums) and thus marking the band's belated gestation - for one album only - into full-blown symphonic metal. Damnation featured the band’s most complex compositions to date, outran its predecessors by a good twenty minutes, and produced two more popular videos: the Švankmajer-influenced Mannequin, and Babalon AD (So Glad For The Madness), based on Pasolini's infamous Salò. Roughly half the album trod the conceptual territory of John Milton's Paradise Lost - showing the events of the Fall of Man through the eyes of Lucifer - while the remainder comprised stand-alone tracks such as the Nile tribute "Doberman Pharaoh" and the aforementioned "Babalon AD"; a reference to Aleister Crowley. "Babalon AD" was the first DVD-only single to reach the U.K. top 40, according to the Guinness Book of Records of British Hit Singles and Albums. Feeling that Sony's enthusiasm quickly palled however, Cradle jumped ship to Roadrunner Records after barely a year.Move to Roadrunner (2004-2010)
2004's Nymphetamine was the band's first full album since The Principle of Evil Made Flesh to not be based around any sort of overarching concept (although references to the works of H. P. Lovecraft are made more than once). Cradle's bassist Dave Pybus described it as an "eclectic mix between the group's Damnation and Cruelty albums with a renewed vigour for melody, songmanship [sic] and plain fucking weirdness." Nymphetamine debuted at #89 on the Billboard Top 200 chart selling just under 14,000 copies, and the band's growing acceptance by the mainstream was confirmed when the album's title track was nominated for a Grammy award.
Thornography, was released in October 2006. According to Dani Filth, the title "represents mankind's obsession with sin and self... an addiction to self-punishment or something equally poisonous... a mania." On the subject of the album's musical direction, Filth told Revolver magazine, "I'm not saying it's 'experimental', but we're definitely testing the limits of what we can do... A lot of the songs are really rhythmical - thrashy, almost - but they're all also really catchy." A flurry of pre-release controversy saw Samuel Araya's original cover artwork scrapped and replaced in May 2006, although numerous CD booklets had already been printed with the original image. Thornography received a similar reception to Nymphetamine, garnering generally positive reviews, but raising a few eyebrows with the inclusion of a cover of Heaven 17's "Temptation" (featuring guest vocals from Dirty Harry), which was released as a digital single and accompanying video shortly before the album. Thornography entered the Billboard chart at #66, having sold nearly 13,000 copies.Long-term drummer Adrian Erlandsson departed the band in November 2006, with the intention of devoting his energies to his two side projects Needleye and the currently touring (2010) Nemhain. The official press release from Roadrunner saw Erlandsson state "I have enjoyed my time with Cradle but it is now time to move on. I feel I am going out on a high as Thornography is definitely our best album to date". He was replaced by Martin Škaroupka.
Work on the eighth studio album, released in October 2008 as Godspeed on the Devil's Thunder, began early that year following a GWAR-supported tour which took in Russia, the Ukraine, the UK, Romania, Slovakia and North America. Godspeed was a concept album based around the legend of Gilles De Rais, a 15th-century French nobleman who fought alongside Joan of Arc and accumulated great wealth before becoming a satanist, sexual deviant and murderer. Kerrang! preferred the album to the "relatively weak" Thornography, calling it "grandiose and epic", while Metal Hammer said it had "genuine narrative depth and emotional resonance", and Terrorizer called it "cohesive, consistent and convincing". It sold 11,000 copies in its week of release, entering the Billboard 200 at #48.
Peaceville Records (2010-Present)
Cradle's relationship with Roadrunner came to an end in April 2010, with the announcement that the band's next album would be released by the British independent label Peaceville Records, using Cradle's own Abracadaver imprint. Dani Filth cited "the artistic restrictions and mindless inhibitions imposed by a major label" as the band's reason for going independent. Early press releases named the new album All Hallows Eve, but by August 2010 the title was confirmed as Darkly, Darkly, Venus Aversa. Released on November 1st, 2010, it is a concept album in the same vein as its predecessor, Godspeed on the Devil's Thunder; this time centering on the demon Lilith, the first wife of the Biblical Adam, and also making reference to Greek, Egyptian and Sumerian mythology, the Knights Templar and the Carmelite Nuns. The label referred to it as "a dark tapestry of horror, madness and twisted sex"., while Filth called its sound "creepily melodic, like Mercyful Fate or a dark Iron Maiden". Metal Hammer's Dom Lawson felt it was "another sumptuous and spectacular eruption of gothic melodrama, perverted sonic schlock and balls-out extreme metal bombast", and likened it to an "instalment in an ongoing series of novels."Cradle's next project has been announced as an orchestral album titled Midnight in the Labyrinth, which, according to Dani Filth, will "reinvent" tracks from the band's first four albums as "full soundtrack quality stuff... with choirs, strings and some narration". The album was approaching completion in November 2010 and is set to be released in 2011.
Cradle of Filth's particular subgenre has provoked a great deal of discussion, and their status as a black metal band or otherwise has been in debate since near the time they became popular. Dani, in a 1998 interview for BBC Radio 5 for example, said "I use the term heavy metal, rather than black metal, because I think that's a bit of a fad now. Call it what you like: death metal, black metal, any kind of metal...", while Gavin Baddeley's 2006 Terrorizer interview states that "few folk, the band included, call Cradle black metal these days."The band's style has been described as symphonic black metal, gothic black metal, and dark metal. However, the band's evolving sound has allowed them to continue resisting definitive categorisation. They are audibly influenced by Iron Maiden, have collaborated on projects like Christian Death's Born Again Anti-Christian album (on the track "Peek-A-Boo"), and have even dabbled outside of metal music with dance remixes ("Twisting Further Nails", "Pervert's Church" etc), although these have fallen by the wayside in recent years. In a 2006 interview with Terrorizer magazine, current guitarist Paul Allender said "We were never a black metal band. The only thing that catered to that was the make-up. Even when The Principle of Evil Made Flesh came out — you look at Emperor and Burzum and all that stuff — we didn't sound anything like that. The way that I see it is that we were, and still are now, an extreme metal band."
Appearing on the BBC music quiz Never Mind the Buzzcocks on April 9, 2001, Dani jokingly claimed Cradle's sound as "heavy funk", and in an October 2006 interview stated "we'd rather be known as solely 'Cradle of Filth', I think, than be hampered by stupid genre barriers."
Band members
- Dani Filth – lead vocals (1991–present)
- Paul Allender – lead guitar (1992–1995, 1999–present)
- James McIlroy – rhythm guitar (2003–2005, 2009–present)
- Dave Pybus – bass guitar (2001–present)
- Martin Marthus Škaroupka – drums (2006–present)
- Ashley Ellylon- keyboards and vocals (2009–present)
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Label: Wikipedia