Sabtu, 18 Desember 2010

Sucker Head


Sucker Head

Biography Berawal pada tahun 1987 saat secara tidak sengaja terbentuk sebuah komunitas penggemar musik metal di Pid Pub, sebuah pub kecil di kawasan Metro Pondok Indah. Di sinilah setiap malam minggu digelar acara konser kecil-kecilan yang dikelola secara bergantian oleh masing-masing band. Berjalan sekitar 2 tahun, semakin besar komunitas ini sampai keluar Jakarta, bahkan gaungnya sampai keluar negeri dan semakin banyak pula band-band metal terbentuk dan bergabung disini, salah satunya adalah Sucker Head.
Adalah Irfan Sembiring (gitar), Krisna J Sadrach (bass) dan Yaya Wacked (vokal) pada tahun 1989 telah bersepakat untuk membentuk Sucker Head dengan merekrut Nano (gitar) dan Doddy (drum). Nama Sucker Head sendiri diambil dari tulisan merk dagang sebuah kotak korek api batang cap koin, tulisan aslinya adalah ‘SAKERHETS-TANDSTICKOR’. Line up pertama ini sangat terpengaruh pada Kreator, sebuah grup thrash metal asal Jerman.
Akhir 1990, Yaya Wacked keluar karena alasan manajemen dan bersolo karier, demikian pula dengan Doddy yang sibuk urusan sekolah. Seorang drummer baru pun direkrut, Alfredo menggantikan posisi Doddy, sedangkan di posisi vokal dirangkap sendiri oleh Irfan sambil tetap memainkan gitarnya.
2nd Line up (Januari 1991): Irfan Sembiring (gitar/vokal), Nano (gitar), Krisna J. Sadrach (bas) dan Alfredo (drum).
Tahun 1992 adalah saatnya Sucker Head mulai membuat lagu-lagu sendiri untuk mencoba bikin album. Ternyata semakin banyak lagu terkumpul, semakin terasa bahwa Irfan mempunyai idealisme yang berbeda yang tidak bisa diterima oleh 3 anggota lainnya. Akhirnya Irfan mengundurkan diri dan membentuk Rotor.
Posisi Irfan digantikan oleh Untung, sorang gitaris thrash asal Cimahi, Bandung.
3rd line up: Krisna J. Sadrach (bas/vokal), Nano (gitar), Untung (gitar) dan Alfredo (drum).
Awal 1994 Sucker Head mulai lagi meneruskan membuat lagu untuk melengkapi materi album pertama, namun kembali terhambat oleh Alfredo yang waktu itu masih belajar di SMA. Keputusan cepat pun diambil dengan menonaktifkan Alfredo dan merekrut drummer baru Robin Hutagaol yang waktu itu masih main di Grausig.
Tahun 1995 Sucker Head mendapat deal dengan label Aquarius Musikindo untuk merilis album pertama “The Head Sucker” dengan line up: Krisna J. Sadrach (bas/vokal), Nano (gitar), Untung (gitar) dan Robin Hutagaol (drum).
Album perdana ini ternyata mendapat sambutan yang baik sehingga pihak label pun melanjutkan kontrak band ini untuk merilis album-album selanjutnya.
Tahun 1996, album ke 2 “Manic Depressive” dirilis dengan formasi line up yang sama.
Tahun 1998 pada saat workshop untuk pembuatan album ke-3, Robin mengundurkan diri dan membentuk Brain The Machine sehingga workshop dan rekaman pun dilanjutkan dengan drummer baru Bakar Bufthaim yang pada saat itu baru keluar dari Rotor. Sebenarnya Bakar bukan orang baru buat Sucker Head, karena sebelumnya posisi dia adalah back up drummer apabila Robin berhalangan, dan dia juga sempat mengisi drum 1 lagu di album “The Head Sucker”. Album ke 3 “Paranatural” akhirnya dirilis berbarengan dengan dimulainya neraka krisis moneter di Indonesia. Album ini juga dirilis di Malaysia di bawah label Pony Canyon.
Line up: Krisna J. Sadrach (bas/vokal), Nano (gitar), Untung (gitar) dan Bakar Bufthaim (drum).
Tahun 1999, dalam rangka memperingati 10 tahun berdirinya Sucker Head, maka dirilislah album ke 4 “10 th Agresi” yang isinya adalah kompilasi lagu-lagu dari 3 album terdahulu ditambah 3 lagu baru dengan konsep yang lebih segar.
Tahun 2003 para personil Sucker Head kembali mengadakan workshop untuk mencari konsep baru dalam membuat lagu-lagu dengan musik yang lebih modern namun tetap ekstrim.
Dengan berbekal studi banding pada waktu konser selama tahun 2002 dan ditutup dengan tour Monster of Rock 2002 di Jawa Tengah, maka dirancanglah album ke 5 dengan konsep lagu yang ‘heavy groove & tight metal’.
Februari 2004 Sucker Head diminta sebagai grup pembuka untuk konser internasional sebuah band dari Jerman “Helloween Indonesia Tour 2004”. Desember 2004 album ke 5 ‘Hipertensi’ dirilis.
Discography : 1995 - album “The Head Sucker” 1996 - album “Manic Depressive” 1997 - kompilasi “Hits Of The Year 4” 1998 - album “Paranatural” 1999 - album “10 th Agresi” 2003 - kompilasi “Strip Hitam” 2004 - album “Hipertensi”

Dead Squad

Chris Adler "Lamb Of God " said .....

..."I envy this boy, who was his name? Err.. Andy Gorust? He is only 22 and he plays drums like a fuckin bastard. Grinding, gravity blast, grinding-hyperbalst, etc. Well, at his age, I just started playing drums. Imagine what he is going to do when he is at my age? 38. The band were also awesome. They're too skillful."... (Chris Adler "Lamb Of God")

DEADSQUAD : BIR,PANTAI dan DEATHMETAL...interviewed by Bali Corpsegrinder


Gerombolan Pasukan Mati yang sering disebut sebagai all star Death Metal group ini dan terdiri dari : DANIEL – Vocals STEVIE ITEM – Guitars COKI BOLLEMEYER – Guitars BONSQUAD – Bass ANDYAN GORUST – Drums ini, kalau tidak ada halangan di bulan September ini , tepatnya tgl 10-09-09 akan menggempur scene Metal Bali di Hard Rock café Bali, dan sebagai pemanasan berikut sekilas obrolan antara 19-21Balicorpsegrinder (BCG) dengan Deadsquad (DS) yang diwakili oleh sang bassis Bonny Sidharta (aka. Bonsquad) mulai dari kesibukan mereka sampai dengan ketidaksabarannya mereka untuk segera main di Bali.

BCG : Lagi sibuk ngapain sekarang anak-anak DS?
DS : Macem-macem sih..Coki masih sibuk tour promo sama Netral, Tepi biasa manggung sama Andra&The backbone, Andyan sibuk ngurusin toko onlinenya sekalian urusan merch DS, Daniel masih ngurus-ngurus skripsi dan gue (Bonsquad) kesibukan hari-hari dikantor....paling sekali-sekali ketemu buat latihan

BCG : Kami dengar di bulan sept ini kalian akan menggempur scene metal bali, apakah ini acara promo tour atau ada undangan khusus??
DS : Yoi bro...doain mudah-mudahan ga’ ada hambatan...undangan dari salah satu EO disana kebetulan bikin event buat DS disana

BCG : Sebagaimana antusias kalian bisa akan maen di Bali?
DS : Wah...Gila...anak-anak semua udah ga’ sabar buat maen di Bali...mungkin karena waktu itu kita sempat hampir maen disana..cuman krna satu dan lain hal akhirnya gabisa main dan digantikan sama Dead Vertical

BCG : Seberapa jauh kalian mengenal scene metal Bali ?
DS : Yang gue denger kalo dari scene metalnya lagi mulai bangun lagi disana,laporan dari bapak iblis ( Funeral Inception) setelah maen disana...hehehe...dan hal ini yg bikin kita makin semangat buat main di depan para metalhead Bali!!
( BCG: oya .. Funeral Inception yang satu lebel dengan DS dalam Rottrevore Recs. ini telah sukses memporak-porandakan scene Metal Bali lewat hajatan Forum Musik Komplikasi #7 yang diadakan oleh 19-21 Balicorpsegrinder di Peanuts club Kuta tgl 13-6-09)

BCG : Oya,,sedikit kilas balik ke belakang
BCG : Bisa ceritain dikit sejarah DS sampai formasi terkhir sekarang ?
DS :…Hmmm....singkat aja yah...awalnya gw bertiga sama Tepi dan Adyan...lalu Prisa dan Babal masuk...jalan beberapa lama...Prisa dan Babal terpaksa dikembalikan ke jalan yg benar...setelah audisi beberapa orang lalu masuklah 2 iblis..Daniel dan Coki...hahahah....dan buat gw pribadi ini formasi yg paling solid...mudah-mudahan bisa awet dan bisa bikin musik yg lebih gila dari yg sebelumnya...

BCG : Bisa certain dikit proses album Horor vision? Hingga bisa lounching barengan dengan acara Lamb of God, dan bagaimana kesannya??
DS : Proses pembuatan bener-benar intens...karena kita produksi album ini ga sampe 2 (dua) bulan dari mulai take metronome sampai jadi master...bener-benar ga’ dikasih nafas lah...smua total disitu...dan mungkin salahsatu faktornya ya Lamb Of God itu,bgitu dapet tawaran untuk membuka LOG akhirnya itu jadi salahcsatu trigger buat kita untuk segera bergerak untuk produksi album..untuk sebagian org mungkin ngliatnya agak terlalu dipaksakan.,..tapi gw ngliatnya beda....kita bisa bikin album bagus dengan waktu pembuatan yg lebih longgar dan ga terburu-buru seperti ini dan mungkin dengan budget yg lebih terencana...tapi ada satu hal yg ga bisa dibayar/dibeli/digantikan dengan apapun...MOMEN!!...yeap..buat kita itu momen yg bener-benar bagus untuk rilis album...disaat kita resmi rilis..kita bisa main didepan ribuan metalhead,kita ga perlu susah2 promo...karna promo dari event itu pun udah gila2an,otomatis efeknya kebawa untuk DEADSQUAD dari segi promosi dan yg lebih penting album kita udah siap disaat itu juga....dan kesan2nya...."that was the best show...EVER!!!! hahahaha

BCG : Siapa yg banyak berperan dalam penciptaan liryc lagu? Dan kebanyakan lagu tsb bercerita tentang apa ( atau ada visi misi kusus dalam liryc2 lagus tsb)? Dan lagu yg mana paling berkesan bagi kalian, serta alasannya?
DS :Lyric lagu semua itu bagiannya Daniel...macem-macem sih ceritanya...lebih banyak ke kritik tatanan sosoal yg udah mendarah daging khususnya yg ada di Indonesia...yah yg simple2 aja lah...Seperti knapa harus ada kolom agama di tanda2 pengenal,knapa kita diharuskan memeluk agama yg sudah ditentukan ... padahal kepercayaan itu kan bukan sesuatu yg harus dipaksakan ....kl lagu yg paling berkesan buat gw bingung lah jawabnya....tapi ada satu yg mungkin berkesan buat Daniel...Serm,on Of Deception...dia baru nulis lagu itu bener2 di studio, sebelum take vocal ...hehehehe

BCG : Untuk gender music yg kalian maenkan , kalian lebih merasa maen di jalur Death metal?Metal core? Atau teknikal deathmetal? Atau kalian punya nama gender tersendiri ?
DS : Basicly kita ada (dan pengen terus ada) di jalur Deathmetal...kalo ada yg bilang technical deathmetal...sah2 aja...itu cuman pengembangan dari deathmetal itu dan anak2 masih mau tetep eksplor sejauh mungkin tapi tetep ada benang merahnya...yaitu Deathmetal!!!

BCG : Setelah keluar album tsb scene metal mana saja di nusantara ini sdh pernah dijajah? Dan di gig mana yg paling berkesan buat kalian? Alasannya?
DS :So far masih tetep mayoritas kita main di Jakarta..(masih terus nunggu panggilan dari EO2 di daerah2 lain!! hahahaha) ...kalo luar kota baru Semarang..dan responnya keren...dan gw yakin di Bali nanti juga pasti ga kalah sinting!!

BCG : Setelah sukses menjadi pembuka Lamb of God, apakah sdh ada tawaran manggung di LN termasuk tawaran dari lebel LN? dimana dan bagaimana perkembangan tawaran tsb??
DS :Hahahah..Blom ada kalo tawaran manggung diluar negri..tapi kalo tawaran kerjasama dengan salah satu label luar ada...tapi kita blom bisa sebut namanya..masih dalam tahap negosiasi soalnya...hehehe

BCG : Terakhir apa ada pesan kusus utk Band dan scene metal Bali ??
DS : Yang jelas kita semua dari DEADSQUAD bener-bener ga’ sabar untuk main disana.....Gak ada yang lebih Hebat dari ...BIR,PANTAI dan DEATHMETAL !!!!

Siksa Kubur

The latest installment from SiksaKubur (English: After-death Torment), Eye Cry, as follow up the triumphs of "Back for Vengeance" and "The Carnage" has been polished with technically blazing instrumental mastery and professional recording quality. We were blown away with their excellent skills as well as neat studio efforts to create high quality metal records. This is a must have album for those demands brilliantly cruel guitar/drum/bass works along with powerful gritty thrash metal voices packaged into well produced recording.Album: Eye CryBand: SiksaKuburLabel: Rottrevore Records Track Listing:1. Renounce Me2. Destitusi Menuju Mati3. I am The Worst4. Dunia Menjerat5. Reborn for Destination6. Pasukan Jiwa Terbelakang7. Terlahir Sampah8. Parade Luka9. Evil Beside Us10. 180898 BackgroundSiksaKubur has been around since 1996 with the first direction praising early Sepultura. As the time goes the band carry on the journey with various subgenres experimentation including death metal, grindcore and such brutal stuff. After Japra, the throaty voices joined, SiksaKubur has redefined their sound signature as wicked mixtures of thrash metal badass voice and technical death metal offering twisting melodies and ear-rupturing complex drumworks analogous to Sceptic, Sympathy, All Shall Perish, Psycroptic and alike. MusicianshipOne of attractive offering this band has is the vocal quality performed by Japra. He's voices reminiscent of Max Cavalera from Soulfly/early Sepultura. The powerful words of thrash metal pattern as well as English pronunciation (in some English songs) erupted from his throat are comparable to world class performer. The founder of the band, Gorust, man I couldn't imagine how busy he do it behind the drumkits. The dissimilarity is the king. He constantly changes the drum pattern in almost every few bars of the song with different powerful steady snare punch, double-toms hits pattern and cymbals arrangement swabs with wicked irregular tempos and stable double bass drum kicks without losing the energy in the whole songs. Certainly he's the principal brute to keep the song rhythm in its track. The guitar sound of choice shows the maturity of SiksaKubur guitarist, Andre, to present audience pleasing distortion tones without excessive nor too low level matched perfectly with his skill and mastery of he's instrument to perform acrobatic low string tunes with bunch of palm-muting and artificial harmonics in between. He's blatantly melodic harmonic solos and spicy sound effect on some songs undoubtedly established SiksaKubur as one of excellent technical death metal band around. I couldn't be happier listening to this record where the bass sound was so awesome. All the low rumble tones produced from thunderous bass guitar axe played by Yudi were heard and felt. The bass player performance was rapid and precise yet defined clearly as counterpart of the song grooves build by other members. SongwritingHonestly I was a bit skeptical when hearing the opening part of the first track, Renounce Me, which incorporating female choir voices and keyboards as the intro. Ah, this must be Scandinavian black/speed metal again. Nope! It's only the intro. And what happened next was blasting brutal grooves guaranteed to punch your eardrums with metal vibes through the veins with enjoyable metal tunes performed equally well between four member of the band. The songwriting capabilities demonstrated by SiksaKubur is exceptional. Heavy distorted guitar riff accompanied by quick response bass lines and chaotic drumworks build song pattern that is so dynamic and exciting. Every song structured more than three melodious and vicious metal patterns style within. Interesting parts such as the solo executed well using clean amp setting on "I am The Worst" as well as the classic harmonic bass and guitar intro on "Pasukan Jiwa Terbelakang" which also incorporating classic metal solos with classy bent guitar tailing sound. A stereo panning of guitar break on "Reborn for Destination" is another big plus. ProductionTo us, this is indie label production with professional recording quality. The low and high tones are balanced. Noise floor is virtually absent. The guitar and bass sound are adequate with plenty of gain without clipping or crackling. The drum snare/toms punching with intense energy as booming as double bass drum kicks. The only minor glitch is the noise produced as the short tail of guitar ringing part after "Renounce Me" intro; it could be from distortion box or amp model. Nevertheless, you might not find that to be disturbing on your common stereo system. If I could state personal taste here, the hi-hat and cymbals could be crispier, but that might be sound of choice of the band and sound engineer to prefer dark percussions character. Thanks to Yuda-recording engineer, Dadi Bir-mixing engineer, and all the people in K studio and Dialog mastering studio, we could hear what the metal should sounded from an indie label band. SummarySkillful musicianship and dazzling technical mastery wrapped with quality production. What are you waiting for? Go download the samples to convince the shit we've spoken. Better yet, run down nearest distros or contact Rottrevore Records to torture your soul to get orgasmic listening pleasure with this graveyard tormentor.

Malevolent Creation

Malevolent Creation merupakan salah satu pionir utama death metal yang berasal dari daerah Buffalo, New York. Namun di tahun 1988 band ini pindah ke daerah Florida dan mulai menjadi satu band utama di scene death metal lokal. Debut album mereka dirilis oleh Roadrunner Records dengan titel The Ten Commandments yang diyakini sebagai salah satu rilisan utama berkembangnya musik death metal.
Awalnya band ini dibentuk oleh mantan gitaris RESTHAVEN Phil Fasciana dan vokalis Brett Hoffmann di tahun 1987 yang berikutnya mengajak John Rubin sebagi gitaris kedua dan Mark Van Erp sebagai bassis serta Mark Simpson sebagai drummer. Mereka memulainya dengan merilis satu demo di tahun 1989 yang berisi tiga lagu, Injected Sufferage, Epileptic Seizure dan Violent Offspring. Demo ini sangat terbatas dan hanya direkam di 100 kaset. Di tahun 1990 mereka kembali merilis satu demo yang membawa mereka melakukan kontrak dengan label Roadracer Records
Rilisan awal yang beredar di tahun 1990, 'The Ten Commandments' menjadi awal tonggak utama mereka meraih popularitas meski harus dibayar mahal dengan keluarnya John Rubin dan Mark Van Erp yang kemudian digantikan oleh Jeff Juszkiewicz dan Jason Blachowicz.
Belum lama bergabung, di tahun 1991 giliran gitaris Jeff Juszkiewicz yang dikeluarkan dari band ini, padahal ketika itu mereka tengah melakukan tur di wilayah Amerika dan sebagai pengganti sementara, gitaris Monstrosity, John Rubin yang juga mantan personil band ini pun direkrut.
Di tahun 1992, album kedua dirilis dengan titel 'Retribution' yang kembali direkam di Studio Morrisound dengan bantuan Scott Burns sebagai enjiner. Selain itu band ini juga mendapat bantuan dari gitaris dan drummer Solstice, Rob Barret dan Alex Marquez untuk menyelesaikan proses rekaman.
Setahun kemudian album ketiga dirilis dengan titel 'Stillborn' yang kali ini mantan gitaris mereka, Jon Rubin memiliki kontribusi besar. Di sela-sela tur mendukung penjualan album baru, Malevolent Creation juga melakukan split album dengan tiga band lainnya yakni Cancer, Exhorder dan Suffocation yang diedarkan oleh Restless Records. Di tahun 1994, Phil Fasciana dan Rob Barret membentuk satu band projekan dengan nama Hateplow. Mereka juga mengajak Larry Hawke sebagai drummer.
Di tahun 1985 band ini keluar dari Roadrunner Records dan setahun kemudian album baru dirilis via Pavement dengan titel Eternal yang uniknya sang vokalis Brett Hoffman justru tidak terlibat dalam proses rekaman. Hoffman tengah disibukkan dengan projekannya menjadi vokalis untuk band death metal Swiss, Silent Death dan sebagai pengganti vokal ada bassis Jason Blachowicz. Sedangkan sebagai drummer ketika itu ditanggungjawabi oleh mantan drummer Disgorged dan Suffocation, Dave Culross.
Di tahun 1997 mereka merilis satu album "The Best Of" yang dikompilasikan dari rilisan-rilisan lama termasuk pengkoveran lagu 'Raining Blood' yang sejatinya milik band thrash metal, Slayer. Album ini dinamai dengan Joe Black dan dirilis oleh Pavement Records.
Masih di tahun 1997, komposisi personil kembali berubah menyusul bergabungnya drummer Derek Roddy menggantikan "Crazy" Larry Hawke yang meninggal secara tragis dalam peristiwa kebakaran di rumahnya sendiri. Derek Roddy sendiri belakangan juga dikenal sebagai salah satu drummer Nile. Dan di tahun ini juga mereka merilis album penuh kelima yang kali ini dinamai dengan 'In Cold Blood' yang juga dirilis oleh Pavement.
Setahun kemudian, album keenam dirilis dengan titel 'The Fine Art of Murder' ditandai dengan kembalinya sang vokalis asli, Brett Hoffman. Di album ini punggawa Malevolent Creation ada vokalis Brett Hoffman, gitaris Phil Fasciana dan Rob Barret, bassis Gordon Simms dan drummer Dave Culross. Sementara itu personil-personil lama mereka, gitaris John Paul Soars dan drummer Derrek Roddy berkonspirasi membentuk band baru dengan nama Divine Empire. Yang paling sibuk mungkin adalah John Soars yang juga bertanggung jawab menjaga eksitensi Solstice, Burner dan Wynjara pada saat itu.
Di tahun 2000 drummer Dave Culross terlibat projek menjadi drummer untuk band death metal Incantion untuk merilis album 'Infernal Storm'. Dan disaat yang sama pula bersama Phil Fasciana dan Rob Barrett, band projekan mereka, Hateplow pun merilis album yang kemudian dinamai dengan 'The Only Law Is Survival' yang hebatnya di saat yang bersamaan pula di tahun tersebut Malevolent Creation juga merilis album baru bertitel 'Envenomed' beberapa bulan setelah rilisan album 'The Best Of' kedua mereka beredar.
Untuk menunjukkan kesan bahwa tidak ada persaingan terselubung antara Malevolent Creation dan band projekan Hateplow, di bulan Februari 2001 kedua band ini melakukan tur bersama ke wilayah Eropa yang justru sekembalinya dari tur membuat sang vokalis Brett Hoffman terpaksa dipolisikan akibat satu kasus kekerasan yang dilakukannya ketika itu. Padahal Malevolent Creation dijadwalkan untuk merilis album baru dan akhirnya 'The Will To Kill' beredar di tahun 2002 dengan bantuan vokalis Hateplow, Kyle Symons. Kondisi yang juga tidak berbeda dengan apa yang dialami oleh bassis mereka, Jason Blachowicz yang juga dipenjarakan akibat kasus pemukulan pada vokalis wanita Wykked Wytch. Posisi kosong Jason diisi oleh Gordon Simms.
Demi menjaga eksitensi dan mendukung penjualan album baru, Malevolent Creation terlibat tur besar 'No Mercy' melintasi Eropa medio Maret dan April 2002 yang juga diisi oleh Vader, Catastrophic, Destroyer 666, Hypocrisy, Disbelief, Immortal dan Obscenity. Khusus untuk konser mereka di Polandia, band ini berbagi panggung utama dengan Vomitory dan Septic Flesh.
Selain itu, untuk mendukung penjualan album 'The Will To Kill', band ini melakukan tur di wilayah Amerika bersama Cannibal Corpse dan di awal tahun 2003 melakukan tur bersama Bloodlet, Reflux, Dead To Fall, Between The Buried And Me dan juga Deeds Of Flesh.
Pada April 2003, band ini kembali diundang ke Eropa namun mereka datang tanpa membawa drummer Dave Culross melainkan dengan drummer Nile, Tony Laureano untuk tampil di "No Mercy" yang waktu itu juga menampilkan Testament, Marduk, Die Apokalyptischen Reiter, Death Angel, Pro-Pain, Darkane, Nuclear Assault dan Callenish Circle. Dan disaat yang bersamaan pula, Brett Hoffman dan Dave Culross dikonfirmasi berpartisipasi pada album tribute untuk band lawas Death yang diprakarsai James Murphy.
Pertengahan tahun 2004 album baru dirilis dengan titel 'Warkult' yang diedarkan oleh Nuclear Blast yang juga ditandai dengan kembalinya drummer Dave Culross. Album ini direkam di Studio Liquid Ghost di daerah Boca Raton, Florida yang juga berisi satu pengkoveran lagu 'Jack The Ripper' yang sejatinya milik band Australia, Hobb's Angel Of Death.
Di tahun 2004 pula sejumlah tur dan event utama di Eropa menghadirkan Malevolent Creation sebagai band utama, diantaranya tampil untuk Rock Hard, With Full Force dan Up From The Ground di Jerman, Skeleton Bash di Austria, Fury Fest di Prancis, Graspop Metal Meeting di Belgia dan Rock the Nations di Istanbul Turki.
Oktober 2004 gitaris Phil Fascina dan mantan drummer band ini, Gus Rios bergabung sebagai anggaota tambahan untuk band power metal, Apocalypse Rising yang juga diisi oleh Alex Marquez dan Dennis Munoz. Semenetara itu di awal tahun 2005, vokalis Brett Hoffmann keluar dari bui dan membentuk band baru bertipikal deathcore, Down The Drain yang juga masih aktif bersama Hoffmann hingga sekarang. Di pertengahan tahun 2005 Malevolent Creation melakukan sejumlah tur bersama Origin, Divine Empire dan band deathcore Animosity dan pada bulan September mereka tampil di Puerto Rico yang didukung oleh Inflamatory dan Sepulchral sebagai band pembuka lokal. Di tahun ini juga mereka kembali kehilangan personil. Gitaris Rob Barret memilih keluar dari band untuk bergabung bersama Cannibal Corpse dan bassis Gordon Simms keluar dengan alasan yang kurang jelas. Kedua orang ini kemudian digantikan dengan mantan-mantan anggota band ini sendiri, yakni gitaris John Rubin dan bassis Jason Blachowicz.
Awal tahun 2006, band ini kembali ke Eropa dan melakukan beberapa konser bersama Bolt Thrower, Nightrage dan Necrophagist sekaligus bersuka cita dengan kembalinya sang vokalis asli Brett Hoffmann ke band ini. Selain itu mereka juga melakukan sejumlah konser bersama Carpathian Forest, Rotting Christ, Harm, Incantation dan Neuraxis.
Di tahun 2007 Malevolent Creation merilis album paling terbaru mereka dengan titel 'Doomsday X' yang di Amerika beredar mulai Januari. Di album ini gitaris Slipknot Mike Thomson turut memberi kontribusi di lagu Deliver My Enemy. Album baru ini direkam di Studio Mercury Recording di Florida yang dienjinering oleh Gus Rios.

Album baru mereka tersebut diisi oleh vokalis Brett Hoffmann, gitaris Jon Rubin dan Phil Fasciana, bassis Jason Blachowicz dan drummer Dave Culross. Dan album ini juga beredar di Indonesia lewat CSA Records yang merilisnya secara resmi pada pertengahan 2008.
Dan untuk pertama kalinya pula Malevolent Creation tampil di Indonesia di dua kota yakni tanggal 21 Maret 2009 di Surabaya dan 22 Maret 2009 di Jakarta yang dibuka oleh band death metal Bandung, Forgotten.

Sabtu, 11 Desember 2010

Job For A Cowboy

Job for a Cowboy is an American death metal band from Glendale, Arizona, formed in 2003. They released their first EP, Doom in 2005, and later that year signed with Metal Blade Records. Their official debut album, Genesis, was released in 2007, peaking at #54 on the Billboard 200 and selling 13,000 copies in its first week.
Job for a Cowboy started as a deathcore group, and evolved into a predominantly death metal sound with their full-length debut Genesis.Their influences include bands such as Decapitated, Hate Eternal, Mastodon, Nile, and The End.They have been defined by The New York Times as "an Arizona band with a guttural, brute-force sound descended (indirectly) from hard-core punk" and "straightforwardly brutal act" by Rolling Stone magazine.
The band has played in several festivals, including Download Festival, Sounds of the Underground, Mayhem Festival and Wacken Open Air. The current line-up of the band consists of vocalist Jonny Davy, guitarists Al Glassman and Bobby Thompson, bassist Brent Riggs, and drummer Jon Rice, with Davy being the only original member.


Formation and Doom (2003–2006)

Job for a Cowboy was founded in Glendale, Arizona during December 2003 by vocalist Jonny Davy, guitarists Ravi Bhadriraju and Andrew Arcurio, bassist Chad Staples, and drummer Andy Rysdam.
In 2004, they created a MySpace profile, posted songs online, and immediately began to connect with several worldwide fans.Later that year, Staples and Rysdam left Job for a Cowboy and were replaced by Brent Riggs and Elliott Sellers respectively as bassist and drummer.Traffic to the band's MySpace profile increased exponentially in late 2005 when the band released their first EP, entitled Doom.The EP attracted the attention of Arizona independent label King of the Monsters, who distributed the disc after an initial self-released pressing by the band.Job for a Cowboy extensively promoted their debut EP, including three performances on the Sounds of the Underground tour.By the end of the year, the band obtained professional management and signed a deal with Metal Blade Records,who reissued Doom with a bonus track.During the same year (2006), Arcurio left the band, and Bobby Thompson joined the group.While Job for a Cowboy was writing material for their first full-length album, Sellers announced that he would be leaving the band to go back to school immediately after recording the album.In search of a permanent drummer, the band then posted a bulletin on,which was seen by Jon "The Charm" Rice. He made a video of himself, posted it on YouTube, and sent the link to the band.Soon after, Rice was announced as the new drummer.

Genesis and Ruination (2007–present)

In March 2007, Job for a Cowboy completed their debut full-length album, Genesis.
The album was recorded at Blue Light Audio Media in Phoenix, Arizona with producer Cory Spotts. It was mixed by Sabbat guitarist Andy Sneap; released on May 15, the album peaked at #54 on the Billboard 200, and sold nearly 13,000 copies in its first week, which made Genesis the best-selling heavy metal debut since Slipknot's 1999 debut album.The album received generally positive reviews, with Kerrang! magazine saying, "an album that quite literally obliterates everyone else currently residing within the death and grind scenes" and "one of the year's most essential metal purchases".
In June 2007, the band performed at the Download Festival in Donington Park, England. The group also played at the Sounds of the Underground festival along with Amon Amarth, Chimaira, Gwar, and Shadows Fall.
In October, Job for a Cowboy co-headlined the 2007 Radio Rebellion Tour, teaming up with Behemoth, Gojira and Beneath the Massacre.The band featured on the 2008's Gigantour with headliners Megadeth, Children of Bodom, In Flames and High on Fire.In addition, they have been confirmed for a number of festivals during 2008, including Wacken Open Air in Germany and a second appearance at England's Download Festival.Job for a Cowboy have embarked on a U.S. headlining tour in November and December 2008 with supporting acts Hate Eternal and All Shall Perish.In late-2008 guitarist Ravi Bhadriraju left Job for a Cowboy to return to school because want to pursue a more rewarding career in the medical field, in his words "reinvent the pacemaker"; he was replaced with former Despised Icon guitarist, Al Glassman.On May 1, 2009, the band announced that they completed recording their second studio album, Ruination, at AudioHammer studios in Sanford, Florida with producer Jason Suecof. The album marks the debut of drummer Jon "the Charn" Rice, who has actually been with the band since the tour for Genesis, and also of guitarist Al Glassman.Ruination, was then released on July 7, 2009 worldwide through Metal Blade Records.Job for a Cowboy took place in the second Mayhem Festival, playing on the Hot Topic stage along with bands such as Cannibal Corpse and Whitechapel.

  • Jonny Davy – vocals (foundation)
  • Al Glassman – guitars (2008–present)
  • Jon "The Charn" Rice – drums (2007–present)
  • Brent Riggs – bass, backing vocals (2004–present)
  • Bobby Thompson – guitars (2006–present)


Necrophagist is a German death metal band, founded and fronted by Muhammed Suiçmez; a German-born, Turkish guitarist and vocalist. The band is known for its rapid and technical compositions.
The name originates from the Greek roots νεκρο- nekro- ("dead") and -φαγος -phagos ("eater of").


Necrophagist's debut album Onset of Putrefaction has been out of print for years. The percussion on the album was handled by a drum machine. Eventually, a new edition with drum samples recorded by Hannes Grossmann was created. All of the old guitar, bass guitar, and vocal tracks were mixed along with the brand new drum samples. The re-release also features two songs from Necrophagist's 1995 self-titled demo tape. The whole album was also engineered by long-time Necrophagist engineer and producer Christoph Brandes at The Iguana Studios. It was mastered by Bob Katz at "Digital Domain", Orlando, Florida. The re-release was issued in 2004 by Willowtip in the USA/Canada and Relapse in the rest of the world.
On February 10, 2006 it was announced that Christian Muenzner had departed the band due to scheduling conflicts. Later on, he joined the death metal band Obscura. A replacement guitarist was found, Sami Raatikainen, who is from Helsinki, Finland. Sami also plays in the band Codeon.
In 2006, the band undertook an American tour called "Carving North America's Epitaph". Necrophagist was joined on this tour by Arsis, Alarum, Neuraxis, Ion Dissonance, Cattle Decapitation and Thine Eyes Bleed. They, along with Dying Fetus, supported Cannibal Corpse on their U.S. tour in the fall, which also included some Canadian venues.
In 2007, the band announced on its Myspace profile that after the 2007 California Metalfest, drummer Hannes Grossmann would leave the band. Hannes stated that he was unable to commit to the band's full-time touring schedule. Marco Minnemann (who has played with Paul Gilbert, Terry Bozzio, Chad Wackerman) was the official permanent replacement for Hannes.

Necrophagist was a headlining act for The Summer Slaughter Tour in 2007, which featured a wide variety of other extreme metal bands including Decapitated, Arsis, The Faceless, Cephalic Carnage, As Blood Runs Black, and Cattle Decapitation.
In April 2008, Necrophagist announced that Romain Goulon would be joining the band as their new drummer, replacing Minnemann, who would still be working with Suiçmez on a side project.
Necrophagist played in the "Pillage the Village Tour" in 2008 from August 26, 2008 to September 10, 2008 with death metal bands Dying Fetus and Beneath the Massacre. Shows in some areas also included Carcass, Suffocation, 1349, and Aborted.
Necrophagist has begun to work on its next album with new drummer Romain Goulon.
According to rumors, two possible names are "The Path to Naught" and "Death to the Faithful". Suiçmez stated that the band would be using seven-string guitars on the album.
Muhammed himself will be recording with a new custom shop Ibanez Xiphos guitar with 7 strings, as well as 27 frets.
Sami Raatikainen is now an Ibanez Guitar endorsee, using a 7 String RG-Series guitar on stage.



Megadeth adalah grup thrash metal dari Amerika yang dipimpin oleh Dave Mustaine. Grup ini bubar di tahun 2002 karena Mustaine mengalami cedera otot Saturday Night Palsy, tapi kembali dibentuk di tahun 2004.


Megadeth memiliki maskot yang selalu tampil dalam berbagai album mereka. Nama maskotnya adalah Vic Rattlehead. Tampil dengan sosok kerangka manusia yang memakai jas penutup mata, mulut yang terkunci, lubang telinga yang tertutup, sebuah penjelmaan dari frasa "See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil." Pada album United Abominations 2007, tampilan Vic telah mengalami perubahan, setelah Mustaine memberikan sayembara di DeviantArt, dimenangkan oleh John Lorenzi. Vic tampil bukan dengan sosok kerangka lagi, tetapi tampil dengan sosok orang tua dengan rambut hitam yang panjang, berkulit pucat dan berurat.



Slipknot adalah sebuah band beraliran Nu Metal dari Des Moines, Iowa yang dibentuk pada 1995, Band ini telah beberapa kali mengganti anggotanya dan memiliki anggota tetap sejak 1999 yaitu: Sid Wilson, Joey Jordison, Paul Gray, Chris Fehn, James Root, Craig Jones, Shawn "Clown" Crahan, Mick Thomson, dan Corey Taylor. Sampai sekarang Slipknot Telah Nerilis 4 Buah Album, Band ini juga pernah mendapatkan Grammy Awards untuk kategori Best Metal Performance untuk lagu "Before I forget" pada tahun 2006, album ke 5 mereka yang bertajuk "All Hope Is Gone" akan dirilis pada 26 Agustus 2008.

 Mantan Personil

Dying Fetus

Dying Fetus merupakan band Death Metal yang terbentuk di tahun 1991 di kota Annaplis, Maryland, Amerika dimana personil mereka saat ini ada John Gallagher di gitar dan vokal, Mike Kimball di gitar, Sean Beasley di bass serta Trey Williams pada drum.
Mereka memiliki karakter musik yang ngeblast, dan cukup kompleks dipadu pada style gitar yang breakdown. Vokal mereka menggunakan style growl death metal dan kadang-kadang juga scream.
Lirik-lirik mereka pun kebanyakan berbicara tentang sosial politik dan kritikan terhadap beberapa kebijakan perang termasuk invasi Amerika ke Irak. Dan selain berbicara tentang kebijakan perang, mereka juga mengkritik orang-orang yang bertopengkan agama sebagai pembenaran, sifat konsumerisme dan juga korporasi.
Di tahun 2001, beberapa personil band ini keluar dan hanya menyisakan John Gallagher. Keempat personil yang keluar dari Dying Fetus kemudian membentuk satu band death metal baru namun memiliki pengaruh musik Grindcore yang cukup kental dengan nama Misery Index. Dari sinilah bermula perkembangan Deathcore.
Pada 6 Maret 2007 lalu, Dying Fetus merilis album terbaru mereka dengan titel "War of Attrition" sebagai jawaban kepada fans mereka dimana sebelumnya Dying Fetus merilis "Stop At Nothing" di tahun 2003.



Nile is an American death metal band from Greenville, South Carolina, formed in 1993. Their music and lyrics are inspired by Ancient Egyptian mysticism, history, religion, and art as well as stories by H. P. Lovecraft.


Nile formed in their hometown of Greenville, SC, in 1993. With their self-proclaimed trademark of "Ithyphallic metal," Karl Sanders (guitar/vocals), Chief Spires (bass/vocals), and Pete Hammoura (drums) debuted with their Festivals of Atonement EP in 1995, leading Nile to a southwestern tour in support of other big metal acts such as Obituary, Deicide, and Broken Hope.
Visceral Productions was responsible for releasing Nile’s EP Ramses Bringer of War in 1997 and was going to release their first album Amongst the Catacombs of Nephren-Ka if they hadn’t gone out of business later that year. However, Relapse Records was open to releasing it in early 1998, giving Nile a wider distribution and a chance to hit the road with Incantation and Morbid Angel.
The follow-up, “Black Seeds of Vengeance”, was released in late 2000. Prior to this release, Pete Hammoura left the band due to injuries sustained while touring for The Catacombs. He tore his rotator cuff and could not recover the use of his arm fully in time to undertake the extreme physical stress of a touring death metal band. He did not want to leave and thought a few more months of rehabilitation could get him up to speed.[citation needed] However, since the band thought he was holding them back, it was agreed that he leave. Derek Roddy drummed on all of the tracks (except “To Dream of Ur”) as a session musician. Also, prior to Black Seeds of Vengeance, Dallas Toler-Wade joined as a second guitarist/vocalist. A collection of remastered recordings, In the Beginning, was released later the same year.
Chief Spires left the bands a few months after the release of “Black Seeds of Vengeance” citing personal and professional differences. He was replaced by Jon Vesano. The band also found a new drummer in Tony Laureano.
By 2002, In Their Darkened Shrines was released. Two videos were shot with director Darren Doane, "Sarcophagus" and "Execration Text", respectively.

Nile performing live at Jaxx Nightclub on August 27, 2007 in Springfield, Virginia.
Annihilation of the Wicked was released in 2005. New drummer George Kollias stepped in to replace Tony Laureano, who left before the recording began. After recording the bass for Annihilation of the Wicked, Jon Vesano also left the band. He was temporary replaced by Joe Payne on the following tour. Another Darren Doane directed video was shot for "Sacrifice Unto Sebek".
In May 2006, Nile signed a recording contract with Nuclear Blast. On February 26, 2007, Nile entered the studio and began recording their fifth full-length album entitled Ithyphallic, which was their first release with Nuclear Blast. Karl Sanders had confirmed a release date of June 29 via a posting on the band's message board, which was later pushed back to July 20, 2007. As a special bonus, Nuclear Blast gave several fans the opportunity to listen to the new album two weeks before its release if they could decipher a hieroglyphic message, to which "papyrus" was the answer.
On March 21, 2007, Nile was confirmed as a "Second Stage" act for Ozzfest 2007. A message from Karl Sanders via Nile's MySpace profile indicated that they were excited to finally bring true death metal to an Ozzfest audience. In March/April 2008, Nile went on a USA headlining tour with Suicide Silence, The Faceless, Unexpect, and Warbringer. In September/October 2008, Nile set out on a European headlining tour with Grave, Omnium Gatherum and Severe Torture. In October 2008 the band planned to take their Ithyphallic tour to South Africa for a booking of three shows but they were canceled for unknown reasons.
In June of 2009, Nile entered the recording studio to begin work on their sixth full-length album, entitled Those Whom the Gods Detest. The album was released in November of the same year, and was critically well-received - with one reviewer suggesting "pretty much the only thing standing in Nile’s way at this point is the fact that we as listeners have become so accustomed to the band’s excellence that another excellent album seems almost par for the course". It sold 3,500 copies in its first week of release in America, landing it at #160 on the Billboard Top 200. On October 21, 2010, Chris Lollis was confirmed as the new permanent bassist for Nile, after four years of session work with the band.

Musical style and themes

The majority of Nile's music is written by vocalist/guitarist Karl Sanders. It combines traditional and technical death metal. Nile's music is also characterized by its extreme complexity and speed – for which the band has received acknowledgment from many music fans and journalists - and its extremely "heavy" riffing, due to Nile's guitar and bass tunings.
Much of the lyrical content is based on Karl Sanders' interest in Egyptology and other ancient Middle Eastern cultures, such as Mesopotamia. Lengthy sleeve notes are included with the albums Black Seeds of Vengeance, In Their Darkened Shrines, Annihilation of the Wicked and Those Whom the Gods Detest, explaining the inspiration or source for the lyrics of each song.

Jumat, 10 Desember 2010

Suicide Silence is an American extreme metal band from Riverside, California. The group consists of vocalist Mitch Lucker, guitarists Chris Garza and Mark Heylmun, drummer Alex Lopez and bassist Dan Kenny. Formed in 2002, the band has released two full-length studio albums, three EPs, six music videos and have won two awards.



Formation, debut EP and The Cleansing (2002–2008)

Suicide Silence were founded in 2002 in Riverside, California and were at that time, a side-project of many of the members of other groups. The band performed their first show at a local area within Riverside and at that time, the line-up consisted of the members Chris Garza and Mark Heylmun as guitarists, Mike Bodkins as bassist, Josh Goddard as drummer and two vocalists, Mitch Lucker and Tanner Womack. Shortly after their first performance, Womack was fired from the band and they released their first demo the following year. They released their second demo in 2003. After the replacement of Josh Goddard in 2004, the members took the band more seriously and were no-longer deemed as a side project. They would then advance to record their third and final demo in 2005. Following within 2005, the band released their first public release entitled, Suicide Silence EP which was released in the United Kingdom through Third Degree Records and later re-released through the English label In at the Deep End Records and in the US through SOS Records.[1]
Two years later, the band signed to Century Media[2] and released their debut full-length album The Cleansing. The album was recorded with Krissan Duwason, mixed by Tue Madsen, produced by John Travis and features artwork by Dave McKean. It debuted at number 94 on the Billboard 200,[3] selling 7,250 copies the first week, and became one of the best-selling debut albums in Century Media history.[4] With the success of their debut album, Suicide Silence were included to take part in Mayhem Festival that took place during the summer of 2008. They toured Europe with Parkway Drive and Bury Your Dead, following a successful US tour with the same bands. Also touring with Parkway Drive, A Day to Remember and The Acacia Strain in mid 2008 during the time when they were included to perform at Sweat Fest. At this point Suicide Silence were beginning to gain a wide range of fans throughout the world.
In 2008 the band covered the song "Engine No. 9" by Deftones that appeared on their debut album Adrenaline, Suicide Silence released the cover on their limited edition second EP Green Monster as well as iTunes.

No Time to Bleed (2008–present)

Two men are depicted on an outdoor stage set 
during the daytime, the man on the left plays bass while the man on the 
right is shown holding a microphone.
Suicide Silence at 2008's Mayhem Festival.
Shortly before embarking on Mayhem Festival, Suicide Silence's MySpace profile title read "Suicide Silence (Is writing a new album)", which was the first indication of ensuring the upcoming of their second album. On June 26, 2008, Mitch Lucker appeared on the Headbangers Ball blog podcast. In the interview, Lucker stated that the album would be recorded through tracks as opposed of being recorded live, such as The Cleansing. He also said the new album would "blow The Cleansing away". Machine was chosen by the band to be the producer of the album. The title for it was revealed as being No Time to Bleed.[5]
Suicide Silence began recording No Time to Bleed in February with producer Machine and engineer Will Putney.[6] During Music as a Weapon as well as the band's Cleansing the Nation tour, they began to perform the songs "No Time to Bleed", "Your Creations", "Lifted" and "Wake Up" months before the release of the album. In April they received the Revolver Golden God award for "Most Innovative Band" and performed at the awards show.[7]
Suicide Silence were included on 2009's Pedal to the Metal tour, along with the bands Mudvayne, Static-X, Bury Your Dead, Dope and Black Label Society.[8] During the same year, Suicide Silence was awarded the Golden God award for "Best New Talent", their second Golden God award received to date.[9]
Suicide Silence released No Time to Bleed on June 30, 2009 through Century Media. The album peaked at #32 on the Billboard 200,[10] selling 14,000 copies in the first week in the United States alone.[11][12] The opening track from the album, "Wake Up" was released as a digital download-only EP which includes the original song, a live performance of it and a remix handled by Shawn Crahan of Slipknot. A music video was produced for the song as well and made its debut premiere on Fearnet.[13][14] "Genocide" was released as the album's second single. Its music video was created in collaboration with Bloody Disgusting and a remix for the song was featured in the Saw VI soundtrack.[15][16]
Suicide Silence announced production for a music video for the song, "Disengage", of which was released as a single on April 20, 2010.[17] The video for it was released during June 2010.[18] The band played throughout the entire Warped Tour 2010[19] on the Altec Lansing Stage.[20] In October, the group will begin their first headlining tour in two years[21] with support from MyChildren MyBride, Molotov Solution, The Tony Danza Tapdance Extravaganza and Conducting from the Grave.[22]

Styles and influences

Suicide Silence perform an extreme metal musical style known as deathcore,[23][24][25] which is a fusion between death metal and metalcore.[26][27] The band perform this style as well as gain influences from several other extreme musical genres such as black metal, grindcore, and mathcore.[28] The mathcore elements can be seen in the varied speed changes and complex time signatures in the band's music. The vocals of Mitch Lucker are frequently fluctuating between death growls and high-pitched screamed vocals used in black metal.[28] The drumming is very fast-paced, grindcore influenced, and employs a liberal use of double bass drumming and blast beats.[29]
The band members themselves have stated that they gain influence from groups such as Meshuggah, Sepultura, Cannibal Corpse, Suffocation, Necrophagist, Nile, Slipknot, Deftones and Korn.